Monday, July 02, 2012


What makes you HAPPY?



    Just seing the people around me happy is what makes me happy. There is no better happiness for me than sharing it with other people. Knowing that there are people who I can share my thoughts, ideas and interests excites me and makes me happy.


    People around me make me happy. I'm a type of person who does not want to be alone. When I’m with my friends and family I feel very great. Even the persons who are not very close to me still they make me happy. They don’t make me feel that I’m alone. If I have problems they are the one who give me strength. I feel very blessed because of them. Whatever happens they are always on my side.

  3. GredoƱa, Jorell B.

    I'm Happy When i'm Eating, I'm happy When i'm Sleeping, i'm happy because i'm healthy, I'm Happy to have my Family and Friends, i'm happy to have god in me who take care's of me and my family and friends and my girlfriend. i'm happy to have a beautiful girlfriend, i'm happy to watch the people around me, i'm happy to hear a beautiful music, i'm happy to ride a kite, i'm happy when i'm sleeping in the clouds up high, i'm happy because God wake me up everyday to smile and live to experience all the things that makes me happy and to love all the people who loves me and taking care of me.

  4. I'm happy when i see someone smiles at me. When someone makes me smile, someone talks to me, someone argue with me, and also mad at me. On those case i know that someone loves me. They are caring for me which is natural for being a happy person. It is a different feeling when you know that someone is loving you in such a way no matter how bad you did to them, your not obeying them, they still care and love you.

    Everyone of us has their own happiness. We are thankful to god because he is great for giving us the blessings of being happy. I am happy because of my family and friends who care and love me. I am happy when the times I do something is good for the others. I am happy for having my family and me a good health and a lot of satisfied of our needs in life. There are happiness you might encounter on earth while you are still living. We don't know when is the time that happiness will come to us, it is suddenly happened.


    It makes me happy when I see may family bond together. My mother, my two brother, my sister and I because I often have a serious conversions with them, I never really talked to them like what usually brothers and sisters is doing. We often crack jokes with each other but now time goes by I realize that life is too short, we must enjoy our lives to the fullest with our love ones cause we never know when will be our time. So, let’s create good and happy memories with our family and love ones by spending every hour, every minute, every seconds of our life meaningful with them.

  7. 20 Limen, Frances Carmela S.

    Just being a human makes me happy. I can appreciate the beauty of the earth, the world, the clouds, the rain, the air and everything else that goes with being alive.

    I’m happy when I make someone happy. I’m happy when I’m around the one I love. It makes me happy when I make him laugh through my simple glimpse and actions. I’m happy to share my thoughts even though it’s nonsense and yet having significance in our lives.

  8. #33
    Pirskanen, Francis Jerald R.

    What Makes Me Happy ?

    Everyday when I woke up makes me Happy, Knowing that I'm still alive makes me very thankful. Starting my day and doing the things that I should do and finishing it makes me happy. I'm happy being a student. In my every day life, traveling from home to school, seeing persons that work hard just to earn money for their daily life expenses without doing bad things makes me happy. I really like the persons who persevere in order to get their goals in life.

    I'm Happy helping people, specially to those who really needs help. Helping someone and making them happy makes me happy. I'm happy being with my friends(schoolmates and village friends), sharing emotions, thoughts and jokes.

    I'm happy to study and strive hard in order to get a high grade and receiving a high grade makes me really happy.

    Being Just "Me" makes me happy. I just love my Life.

    T31, BSCE, TF/3:00-5:00pm

    What makes me happy? Every end of the term makes me happy. Because it only indicates that I am getting nearer and nearer into my graduation day. Every New Year's Day I am very happy. This is the moment where my family's whole clan is bonding together and celebrating like christmas, distributing gifts, eat and sing until dawn(we don't have christmas). I am happy every Sunday. Because Sunday is Family day where we eat our lunch and dinner together with my family, boyfriends and girlfriends after we went to church.

    I am happy whenever I'm eating my favorite food while listening into my favorite music and singer. This is my most effective comforting zone. Whenever I feel bad or I 'm troubled (for example, I failed a quiz or my special someone and I argued), I always eat french fries with zoda and listen to chris brown. I felt happy enough and comforted.

    I am also happy whenever my friends and peers come and go. In that way, I always meet another set of different people who are now I called "TROPA". Sometimes I felt happy when someone hurt or make fun of me in their own ways because somehow, I manage to become a better person in order for those people not to insult me again. I am happy when I'm trying something new for fun or for experience because these made me whole as a person. Whether it is for my manners, attitude or confidence.

    Whenever I prayed and recieve something I didn't prayed of, I am happy and honored that God is in my everyday life because of the blessings and love I had always have. I am very happy that whenever I thought of the most undesirable problem that I had last two years, where I wanted to die and almost commit suicide, I feel happy and blessed because I am still alive right now because of he whom I trust the most from above.

    I have no reason to get angry or to feel unsatisfactory because God created me as the child of my hospitable and loving parents, siblings of my concerned and sweet brother and sisters, a member of a wholesome and considerable family, a friend of every human being, a civil engineering student of a high class standard University and an average class citizen of the Republic of the Philippines.

  10. #17

    for me, being happy is a sign of contentment to the things that are and what are happening around you. so what makes me happy? being able to wake up in the morning knowing that God has given me another day to live and plans to experience makes me happy. having had the time to spend with my family and seeing them in good terms and in shape makes me happy. being able to have friends that are always there and cherishes me makes me happy.... acquiring achievements, passing through obstacles, helping and making others happy... all of these things makes me happy.

    T31, BSCPE, TUE & FRI/3:00PM-5:00PM

    Happiness is having or showing a feeling of pleasure or contentment. My happiness are to be with my family, to be with my friends and it's neither on a trip nor on an outing.

    Every day and night we're probably experiencing happiness particularly by laughing, this may consider as a reason to say that happiness could be used of simple laugh. As I'm still living in this world, every second of my life is a big example of my happiness.

    T31, BSECE, T&F/3:00pm-5:00pm

    My happiness is enjoying my life, being with my friends and most importantly with my family. when i'm with my friends happiness is always there, when we are just hanging around and we were just playing some music or we just jamming with our guitars, we're just having fun enjoying time when it is vacant time in our school.

    I when i'm with my girlfriend i feel happy because when i'm tired she always care take care of me then suddenly tiredness will be gone because of her. being with my family also makes me happy because we have a time to spent together even though we have only have 1 day or 2 days to have fun.

    Another reason while i'm happy because of my grades, last two term i don't have any failing grades in my subject, for having a successful no failing grades make me improve and that makes me happy.

  13. # 07

    There are alot of things that makes me happy, I can't tell you all of that but I will share some of my happiness.Dancing,singing,playing musical instruments,hanging out with my friends and especially my family. Dancing and singing is my past time. Hanging out or chatting with my friends everyday really makes me happy and my family is very important to me. As long as my family is happy I am also happy . I am contented on what I have right now and I am happy. Gadgets is also my happiness everytime that my mom buy me a latest gadget. Things makes me happy like bags,shoes and dresses. They said that "Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results." I also believe in that quote you must plan so in every action you will take. Happiness is everywhere and we all know that. Just Smile be Happy all the time. :)


    First of all, my own understanding about the word "HAPPINESS" is that, it is something that makes you feel joyful and contented. There are different interpretations of happiness in every people and also there are different reasons why people were happy.

    On my part,my reasons of happiness are my family and friends. They are the most important people that makes me happy. They make me happy through bonding and sharing happy thoughts with each other and I'm thankful to God because I have them.

    There are also other things that makes me happy like playing volleyball and any kind of sports. One of my happiness is also surfing the net, shopping and playing some computer games because it makes me feel contented after doing these stuff once in a week.

    There are lot of things that makes us happy but being contented with what you have is what matters most.

  15. Seat Number #04
    CABRAS, Hannah Joyce R. / 2012-12575

    HAPPINESS --- it is what makes my day complete, a stress-reliever, an inspiration and it is the best that I got. Every day of studying and at the same time working, I really need to have something that could give me enough strength in my daily routine, which is studying at noon to afternoon and working midnight to morning. Going home morning tirelessly, no sleep, had assignments to work on, and need to prepare going to school, I only had one thing where all my strength and energy comes from. It’s from a smile or a laugh. A smile and laugh from my precious baby boy. He’s been a priceless gift from above. A smile and laugh coming from him makes my day complete. He’s my inspiration which makes me keep going. Even though I am tired, stressed out, full of loads to work, exhausted and sleepy, when I came home and got a smile from him, it seems that he’s telling me that “There’s a happy and blessed day ahead for you mommy.. :) “.

  16. Seat No.14

    Galang, Ian Jasper R. BSCE/T31/201120008/T-F 3:00-4:50

    Happiness.There are many words that comes into my mind when these word is mentioned but I will describe it in my definition.

    Happiness for me is starting from within.When you are contended with what you have and enjoying the beauty that life is showing to us. Example of this is when I achieve the task that is difficult and you successfully done it,Happiness is seen.When I play my music with my family,friends and all my loveones,Happiness is seen.When my friends and family are there for me in good times and bad times I can feel that they want me to be HAPPY and then I gain strength from there to be HAPPY.When I am seeing a beautiful landmark such as mountains,ancient houses,remnants of the past,and especially a park(The best is the Freedom Park),I am happy with that because you see the beauty of nature that God has given to us.Sharing my time with everyone,the people that I will meet,Family,Friends and loveones are also fulfilling and makes me Happy.

    So the truth is, Happiness can be found in the simplest things that you do and with the people that are near in you.

    T31, BSECE, TUESDAY & FRIDAY/3:00PM-5:00PM

    First, I am happy and at the same time thankful to God each day I wake up in the morning because he gave me another day of existence. I’m happy in every blessing I received from Him each and every day for those blessings are the reason why I knew the meaning of true happiness.

    I’m happy with my family. We always share common thoughts, experiences in our daily lives, stories that are untold. These are the things that made us laugh like there’s no tomorrow. We maybe encountering problems, challenges in life, and a little conflict to one another but we face those problems altogether and that made our bond stronger. And I love them very much! :D

    I am always happy when I’m with my friends. They made me smile a lot. We used to stay in our favorite “tambayan”, chatting together, doing some crazy stuff, singing altogether, giving some corny jokes. Even when we are all eating together there will come a time that we will laugh and laugh until we almost cry.

    I am also happy whenever I’m alone because at that moment, I have time for myself. Thinking of what I have accomplished, for what I have done to others, discovering talents within me and also improving some of my talents. I am happy whenever I help other people. It makes me feel good. I do help other people without asking in return because seeing them happy and knowing that they are happy makes me feel happier. I am also happy every time I listen to music. For me, it relaxes my mind and forgets all my problems. Some music reminds me of a person or a place or even a memory with someone to whom I’ve shred happiness.

    These are the things that made me happy and will always make me happy. It may be simple things to others but for me, it made my life extraordinary and awesome.

    Learn to appreciate life. There’s a lot of things that can make you happy so don’t let the sadness win. Always put a smile on your face! :)

  18. #06

    Hanging with the people i love and people i usually hangs out makes me happy. My loving parents also makes me happy they never stopped caring. Pretty ladies also makes me happy, seeing them makes my day complete. And of course who wouldn't be happy getting a high grades at school. Also, Playing Computer games like DotA makes me happy. Even though i cant win all the time. I enjoy playing with my friends and joining competitive games like tournaments. I also enjoy driving. I spend most of my weekend in traveling somewhere and hanging out in some places we've never been. There's so many more you can be happy about. but you should be thankful to GOD

  19. #23
    Llego, Alvette Kristine G.

    What makes you happy?

    When I accomplish my goal even if it is short term or long term goal, I become happy. It is very rewarding that you finish or did your goal despite of the challenges and trials. Like when I graduated valedictorian during my elementary education. trials. Like when I graduated valedictorian during my elementary education. I can’t help to smile and become happy when I’m delivering my speech. I remember all the times that I sacrifice my own happiness just to study and as an outcome, my sacrifice become one of the happiest moment of my life.

    When something funny happened, I laughed and it makes me happy. Happiness for me is when I smile and laugh. Nothing can compare to the moments when you share laughter with your family and friends. These little happy moments will be the things that you will remember until you grow old.

    When I got to eat my favorite foods, I become happy. I am happy because I am blessed. Some people can’t eat their favorite foods because of poverty. Some don’t even eat 3 times per day. So I’m really lucky that I have the chance to eat the foods that I want, and this makes me happy.

    When I got to do something that I need to do, I become happy . They say that time is precious. But to tell you the truth, I’m such a lazy person. So when I have something to do and it has a deadline, it is an achievement for me if I finished it on time. This makes me happy.

    I am happy because I am myself. Everything that God gave me is not perfect, but this imperfections makes me happy. If I am perfect, life will be dull.

  20. #18
    Gungon, Richard D.

    What makes me happy?

    I'm happy when im playing games , eating my favorite food and listening to music, I'm happy when i have no failing grades I'm happy when im with my friends and family, I'm happy when i help someone, I'm happy when i can make others happy and I'm happy when may day complete without any problem :)

  21. Happiness is but a fleeting moment. I haven't experienced the feeling of elation for prolonged periods of time so I must say that it is but a fleeting moment.

    I won't be a hypocrite, I will say that having what I want gives me happiness. Material possessions, achievements, power, etc. it gives me happiness as long as I am interested in it.

    Helping others, don't actually give the sense of elation that "having" has. It's not a warm and fuzzy feeling that some people put it to be. Rather it is the feeling of a clear state of mind, freedom from guilt perhaps?

    However, the thought of being needed as well as the compliments you get for helping others does make me feel happy as well. Maybe it's an egotistical aspect of my personality or conscience, that I do not know for sure.

    Maybe you could put it bluntly that my happiness is fueled by greed.

    -Ein (Kevin Rheiniel Salvador)

  22. #26, Mamauag, Adrian A.

    My family and friends makes me happy. My family is my inspiration, without them my life is miserable. My friends are like my brothers and sisters. Aside from making jokes and having playtime, they are all dependable and supportive.

    It also makes me happy when I accomplish things. It made my day bright and meaningful. I always choice to be happy all the time.

  23. 44
    Villaflores, Glenn Dlanor, C.

    One of the things that makes me happy are my friends. When me and my friends hang out, time seems to stop. And before we know it, we were already hanging out for like 2 hours. When we hang, there is always laughter. We share our thoughts about random things, share jokes, play sports together and others. Another thing that makes me happy is eating. When i'm eating, i feel like i forget all my problems specially when the food is delicious.

  24. Villamayor, Nelson G.

    what makes me happy?

    As the youngest child in my family, i never experience having a younger sister or younger brother. that's why being with my little cousins or even just being around with many little cute kids, happiness is already what i feel.
    that's why i really love my godson and goddaughter, coincidentally they were cousins. they were one of the reasons for my excitement to attend our sunday service, just even by hearing them said the words 'ninong' with their cute little voices makes me feel happy already.

  25. Ali Abdurasad #1

    What makes me Happy?

    It makes me happy seeing the people I love happy and making them happy also. It makes me happy when they appreciated all the things I done for them and when they make me feel being appreciated. I am happy helping others especially the people I care about. Helping them in a simple thing make and getting the word “THANK YOU” makes my day fulfill. It also makes me happy being loved truly by the person I love. And most of all it makes me happy being with the person I love everyday and making good memories with each other. Same with my family. Family bonding also makes me happy. Although they are far from me, when they go home they make time to bond with us and that makes me happy.
