Monday, July 02, 2012


What makes you HAPPY?


  1. Ibardolaza, John Paul

    When I’m listening to music that makes me happy specially when the music is rock, hardcore and metal. When all the people that knows me greet me nice that make me happy also. That’s all my happiness is very simple.

  2. #2
    Almarez, Marvin Louie P.

    All I want to do is to go outside of our house to get along with my friends, not only to get along with them but also it makes me very happy when I do crazy stuffs and to laugh to death with them in the rest of the day! That's all :)

  3. #28
    Lauzon, Arvin Paul B.

    My Happiness is very simple. I am happy when I watching movie at home with my family or my friends. I just always wanted to watch any movie atleast one movie per day. Sometimes I also lonely when I can't watch movie at home. When I watching movie at home, I feels relax and have peace that watching movie is my happiness.

  4. #30
    Lopez, Diodi Axcell A.

    my happiest moment is when we won the championship game in our highschool intrams, i got the highest score in that game, gaining the sympathy of the crowd.

  5. Mananghaya, Marlon L.

    What makes me happy? Well it's simple, when ever my parents buy new things or gadgets for me. I'm really into the latest gadgets, but if you asked me a deeper reason for my happiness; it would be my family. I came from a broken family, but my parents worked things out and we became one again. What makes me happy the most is when ever we eat together during dinner, when ever we go to mass every sunday and when ever we tell stories to each other :). That's my happiness that no one can ever replace.

  6. #27
    Largado, John Lester R.

    to be practical the thing that make me happy is when my mother gave me allowance everyday :) .. and when my mother and I bond together all day to watch our favorite movie ... thats' why me and my mom are so bond that we though that we are just friends :)

  7. #33
    Marantan,Caesar Ian D.

    There are lot of things in this world that makes me happy but there is only one, that makes me very very happy and that is my family.

    1. #22
      Garcia, Jerome Emil P.

      Being with my Friends and doing a lot of stuff's make me happy.

  8. #34
    Marchan, Annika Lea C.

    What makes me happy? It is when my friends and I meet together. I always feel that when I am with them, all my stress will disappear <3 ~GJ~

  9. #12
    Carrera, Alyssa Mae G.

    For me, what makes me happy is when me and my family are going out just to eat and make some window shopping :) It makes me happy because I was in Manila for a week and I can go home every weekend only and also when I will played with my nieces :) That makes me happy.

  10. #22
    Garcia, Jerome Emil P.

    Being with my Friends and doing a lot of stuff's make me happy.

  11. #8
    buluran vic emmanuel T.

    being with my love ones and being with my friends and doing what make us enjoy

  12. #29
    Libre, John Kevin D.

    To have a lots of friends and to do what i want to do..

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. accomplishments and cheeseburger :)

  15. #49
    Usita, Garrick Renz U.
    When my father gave me a ITOUCH:)

  16. #23
    Gaurino,Jhon Reñer R.
    Being with my family and eating together makes me so happy and being with my girlfriend,helping others also makes me happy.

  17. #22
    Galleto, Sean Kryztyne Jyanah G.
    Chocolate makes me happy :)

  18. #14
    Dela Cruz, Juan Guillermo D. II
    My family, friends,and churchmate makes me so happy. especially when i do my duty in our church. bonding with my family and friends. :)

  19. #50
    Villacone, Jamieh Anne C.
    hanging out with my brothers and sisters,
    solving math problems with my friends,
    dancing like crazy,
    making an effort for my projects (designing it),
    my effort to be appreciated by my aunt, and
    while I'm praying and giving thanks to God.

  20. Renate C Gouveia

    What Makes Me Happy

    When I was younger, I guess I used to be quite materialistic, I "thought" I needed things like new Games for my computer, or new items which were released, to make me happy, But in fact, As I grew up, Those things never did really bring me "Happiness". Just like when you find someone of the opposite sex, that has good looks, you are attracted to them, BUT if all they have is their good looks, well physical appearance gets boring fast if there is no other connection.

    When I did my Volunteer work in India, teaching basic English and Maths to young children aged between 4-8yrs Old, I had no Material objects, life was hard, the food was not so nourishing, but I really felt "Happiness" so I guess, what makes me happy, is by knowing that what I am doing is benefiting others while seeing joy on their faces.

    I think i wrote too much :)
    The End haha =P...

  21. #20
    Furing, Alyanna Mae D.

    Seeing my family contented and happy makes me happy too.

  22. #48
    Tacaca, Kristine Dyan R.

    What makes me happy? For being cared and loved with the person I treasure. :)

  23. #37

    Rivera, Kimberly Jane R.

    Simple things makes me happy. Like, hanging out with my high school friends, watching movies and eating together with my family and my boyfriend, when mom bought me another new pair of shoes, watching/listening to Korean movies/songs.

  24. #4 Baldonado,Nheil Jeferson M My happiness on my life is when my family was so happy and they have no problem; my life is complete, because happiness is only found in the family there are nothing else than your luxury, The one that you fist saw when you are baby, When my family was so happy I feel that I have precious gift from God so I am happy ,when I am in my home there is nothing I can ask to give for me because I want only to love me , My friends is also my happiness because there are they to help me in my problem and they tell me to do not take any luxury in my health, in their jokes and there fun together with me, So I am say that thankful to god that I have grateful family and friends that I will treasure to my life, in their great moments and memories that they had given to me.

  25. Salvador, Christopher Ivan Louise

    My experience in happiness is when i enter School again this school year
    because i stop 2 years and when i back . im so happy because is much better
    to study rather than to standby at home ..

  26. #18
    Fariña, Conrado D.

    Hanging with my old friends and playing dota with them that makes me happy.

  27. #13
    Cunanan, James B.

    A happy and loving family, a loving and caring girlfriend, stupid and funny friends, and I can buy anything I want. What else can I ask for? They're my happiness. :)

  28. #47

    God, Family, Girlfriend, Friend, Music, and Me. These are the 6 reason why i am so happy. I couldnt ask for more. :)

  29. #19

    Hanging out with my friends,seeing her smile day by day :)).

  30. #49
    Tan, Gabriel John M.

    There are different things that makes me happy. One is when I play dota and most of the time winning it, when I also play badminton with my colleagues and friends I have fun and at the same time lose a few pounds. Another one is when I'm with my friends and family we go eat and go out to different places, enjoy and have good time laughing. Sharing quality time with my girlfriend, even though we are busy with our school stuffs we still find time to meet and hang out. And last but not the least when I go to church and I solemnly talk to God, it makes my mind clear and I feel like my soul is so alive and happy.

  31. #44
    Segundo, John Andrew O.

    To love and be loved by God above, the One who created us.

  32. Ancanan, Pula

    What makes me happy?
    God. My friends. My Family. Food. L4D2 and CODMW3(Still incomparable to the happiness i experience with the first 4). Physical activities. Music and singing.
    Being successful in other things simple or not. Being single (Never dated anyone before). Having the things i need and the things i only want.
    Lastly, seeing Her even though i shouldn't.

  33. Rubillos, Job D.

    first thing that makes me happy is life, God granted us life to freely live in the world that he created. lastly the kingdom of God, finally here we can see who created us and what is the origin of everything.

  34. #45
    Sevilla, Paul

    What makes me happy is being loved in return. My love ones are also the source of my happiness. I know one day we are all gonna leave this world, just make the most of your life and be happy :D booom !!

  35. Pedroso Jr., Ernesto R.

    what makes me happy.?
    My "Howe" and my home makes me happy, home means my family, cause what happen to me, my family will always be there for me they will always care for me, and "howe" means my girlfriend for the past 3years we have been together I can say that she will be there for me anytime I needed her, It simply means that things that makes me happy is the people around me that cares for me.

  36. #o8
    Buising, Joeryl Marco B.

    being with my family, friends makes me happy as long we are on each other, it makes me happy, not by a material things, but in a simple way of bonding when every time we're together. :D

  37. Perez, Carl Theodore R.

    I am happy whenever I attain my goals through my hard work and in the right way. I also attain happiness when I'm with my family and know that they're safe because they mean the world to me.

  38. DONATO, Renz Eduard J.

    What makes me happy when I am down are my friends and family. It's so cliche, but I feel blessed sometimes with a unique mix of people who I can turn to for different things. I have a strong support network, and wonderful people who genuinely care, as I care for them. I think in the end sometimes you have to rely on other people. No man is an island.... a problem shared and all that;)
