Monday, July 09, 2012

T34 1st TERM SY 2012-2013: PHILOSOPHY PAPER (rationalism and Empiricism)

Give your personal experience about Rationalism and Empiricsm.


  1. #13 Cunanan, James B.

    My personal experience about:


    My experience about Rationalism happens everyday through studies. For example Health education, if you take drugs,cigarettes and liquors, it will shorten your life. Just by reading and listening to my teacher I'm learning.


    My experience about this happens when I stopped schooling. I enrolled in a Auto CAD class and learned different techniques on how to make floor plans quickly and accurately. I learned through experience because we're doing hands-on everyday.

  2. Ancanan, Pula T.


    My experience about Rationalism happens everyday. For example, in choosing what to eat at lunch time in schooldays. I'm saving money, and i'm not used to skipping meals. So i need to eat food which is heavy, safe and cheap. Just by looking at them, i know which is which. Just by looking, i gain knowledge.


    My experience about Empiricism happens when i do Parkour stunts. Before trying/doing a stunt, words always crosses my mind saying, "Baka maaksidente ako." I know deeply in my mind that i can do it and nothing serious can happen it's just that, sometimes i am scared. When this happens, i always tell myself. "Kaya mo naman pala sa tingin mo e. Bakit hindi mo i-try?". So i do it, and until now nothing serious has happened to me. So, whenever i run, i can do stunts over obstacles perfectly because i know i can do it. Also because i experienced doing it.

  3. Rationalism and Empiricism

    My experience about rationalism is in studying electronics lecture, i read and learn theoretical information that are presented and discussed to us by our professor. The Empiricism part comes in our laboratory class. all the result in the lecture were not met in our laboratory experiments because there is no way to get the theoretical values and it is impossible with our equipment because there is always the presence of noise and most of the components are in analog.
    one example of this is a resistor . if the resistor has colors , brown, black , brown, the value in theoretical sense must be 100 ohms but if you measure it, you will get approximately 100 ohms and never exactly 100 ohms.

  4. Lauzon, Arvin Paul

    One of my experiences in regards with rationalism is when I was in high school. I was included in a debate and I should think of what will I say in front of people. We only have 10 minutes to think about the said topic and afterwards, we should defend it.

    When I was still young, I always ride a bicycle but don't know how to use it. Then, one time, my dad bought me one and then taught me how to ride on it. At first, it was difficult but then I get used to it and master it.

  5. #32
    Mananghaya Marlon L.

    ~ my experience about rationalism happens almost every day. I'm attending my class to learn some new things that i don't know. I excell on some of it especially in computers; that's why i took IT. I also do good in debates because i'm studying as hard as i can so i won't waste my parents efforts to send me to school.

    ~ my experience about empiricism in when i first tried ice skating; at first i always fall down with a lot of pain but i practiced and practiced. I also asked my parents to buy me a roller blades because it's not too different with ice skating :) I practiced almost everyday just to learn then at the time i return at Mall of Asia and tried skating again, i was shocked as hell because i'm the fastest skater there. It made me feel that i can be a hockey player someday :)

  6. #50
    Villacone, Jamieh Anne C.

    -I experience rationalism through reading books like encyclopedia and give me a lot of knowledge.

    -When I was in 1st year high school, we had our computer(adobe photoshop) subj... wooh I really wanted to know about the photoshop since I love editing and designing... but I was disappointed, I don't get it,cause we don't really do the hands on.. blahh frustrated my older brother taught me, and made sure I'll do it hands on.... Great!I learned..

  7. #o8
    Buising, Joeryl Marco B.

    --sometimes rationalism happens every time i do something new, like when i had a problem with my laptop, i dont know what should i do, but because i want to learn how to fix it without knowing anything, i do it by myself because, all i need is just an OS(operating system) cd to format, then reading carefully the options about OS i begin to start formatting my Laptop, then i successfully format it. :D

    -- empiricism strikes when im going to play a new Online games .. but because i had already experience playing OL games .. it will not gonna be hard for me to play another Online Games :D

  8. Pedroso Jr., Ernesto R.

    - this happens in everyday life of a person, you always think of a solution or on how to the things you can't figure out, base on my own experience I also experience this in my everyday life I learned in school I think the things I want to learn and solve.

    -Based on my experienced that I remembered, that will surely be connected in this topic is when I was learning how to ride a bike, you can never learn how to ride a bike without trying it actually, you can never learn how to ride a bike just watching someone riding a bike or just thinking how to ride it. In order for you to learn you do it yourself and experience it.

  9. Usita, Garrick Renz U.

    My experienced in rationalism when I feel alone at my apartment because my family is in Cagayan. I learned household chores and important lessons learned to my own efforts. If I do not move. Maybe i suffering from hungry and I die. Everyday I learned how to solve my problems.

    my experienced in empiricism when i was learning how to play dota. I make dota as my hobby. So since my first day of playing dota until now i am addicted to the game.:)

  10. #18
    Farina, Conrado D.

    My experienced in rationalism is when we create our own program in c++ and c#. We use the knowledge of what we learn in our subject during lecture and apply it in our program by thinking of different concepts and different ideas we can create a new program.

    My experienced in empiricism during my last P.E subject. Every meeting we practiced 12 striking techniques in arnis until we learn and memorize every move and techniques.

  11. #14
    Dela Cruz, Juan Guillermo II D.

    My experience about Rationalism
    - is when I read and memorize the college mission and vision it is rationalism because I learned it by simply reading and memorizing.

    My experience about Empiricism
    - is when i drive a car because you can never learn how to drive a car without trying it. this is the knowledge based on experienced.

  12. #48
    Tan, Gabriel John M.

    My experience that relates with rationalism is when I play badminton I learned basic skills and techniques through observing and watching how people do it and doing it by myself while experience that relates empiricism is that when I watch clips, videos and TV shows that is really interesting. Like the magic show of David Blaine it really made me curious and think deep how he execute it and without getting caught.

  13. #22
    Garcia, Jerome Emil P.

    My experience on Rationalism was when we Raid a new Dungeon on an online game i am playing when i only watched how to do the bosses and apply it on our first encounter.

    and My experience on Empiricism was on our P.E. 2 Class it was a Table Tennis class and i was not good on table tennis but because of experience on that class i can say that i am better at table tennis now.

  14. #27
    Largado, John Lester

    my experience on rationalism is when i was on 4th year high school, my coach tell me what to do and what should i not do by listening to my coach, i learned so much more about volleyball. and about empiricism, by applying all my learnings and abilities that my coach tell me a played well in the game . and that's my experience in empiricism and rationalism :)

  15. #21
    Galleto, Sean Kryztyne Jyanah G.

    My experience on Rationalism is when i was a third year student my chemistry teacher told our group to submit our chemistry project,but my group mates and i are still in the process of choosing of what project should we do. so we decided to make a dish washing liquid which we watched its procedure at youtube and we did exactly what we saw and past it on our teacher.

    My experience on Empiricism was when i fist commute by myself i was so scared because when i was in high school i used to be fetch by my dad's car so when i step in to college i was a bit shock because the distance is really far i was afraid i might get lost and the fact that i have to ride more than 1 kind of vehicle was really exhausting but as time past by i learned so much and now im not afraid to get lost or something :)im just afraid to get snatched haha lol :)

  16. #34
    Annika Lea C. Marchan

    I experience it when I read any kinds of book and when I am watching a t.v...

    It is when I talk to people that I can experience empiricism and because I can gained more information from people than reading a book or watching a t.v...

  17. #29
    Libre,John Kevin D.


    I experience it when I am reading magazines/books and watching different movies..


    I experience this together with my friends because my friends is very naughty.And we always see each other. I learn so many things about them. I also learn something that I never seen before.. :)

  18. #47
    Tacaca, Kristine Dyan R.

    My experience about Rationalism happens everyday when I'm in school. When I'm reading books and especially I'm learning by the help of our professors.

    My experience about Empiricism happens when I was 9 years old. I enrolled in a piano lesson. I love to have my piano class because I'm excited to play a new song. I gain knowledge through practicing everyday.

  19. #20
    Furing, Alyanna Mae D.

    * I experience this when I set out to buy laptop. I used rational approach in doing this. I gathered data on different models of laptop. I looked at Consumer Reports to find out about financial values and repair records of the different models. I created my own standards for my personal choice.

    * When something that occurs in everyday life (Just an example, typhoon). Instead of saying that it is because of religion, faith or some philosophy, empiricism states that we showed by to use science, observation and experimentation to figure out how do typhoons are developed?

  20. #19

    Day by day i have experience rationalism, like when our professor gives us a machine problem, we often asked to have different views about the program.. but same results. as for me, i always apply what we have learned in our lecture time. so that we can solve what the professor has been given to us.

    Well my experience in empiricism is that before i learned to play dota. i always watch dota replays, read some tactics on how to farm fast .. gained knowledge from other people who play better than me,practicing it day by day..makes you a lot stronger

  21. #24
    Gouveia, Renate


    My experience of Rational thought, Was when I was travelling in India, I was on my Motorbike which I had bought out there, and I had to set a route. I knew that some routes would be safer than others (As they are more travelled), but then I also wanted to ensure that I took the shortest route. So I had to come to a conclusion on what would be the best route for me to take , based on the experiences and thoughts of other people that I had met.

    My experience of this, Would be when I learnt martial arts and began to compete, At first I had no idea what I was doing during training and felt myself being no good at it. Over time and constant tries i became better and better, and eventually began to compete. For my first fight I had no idea what to do, how to handle myself and what to expect. Then gradually as i competed more often, I knew what to expect, and how to prepare myself and motivate myself to put my mind in the right zone.

  22. #37
    Rivera, Kimberly Jane R.

    My experience in rationalism happens when I'm bored and I want to do something. So I decided to draw a chibi or anime. I usually search some images in images for me to have an idea. So every time I draw and draw, I excel because what I searched remains in my imagination.

    My experience in empiricism happened when I was in 3nd year highschool. I almost failed a subject. I was worried back then because I don't want to be left away by my classmates. Because my teacher gave me a warning, I made a way to pass that subject. I learned how to self study and I passed the subject.

  23. #34
    Marchan, Annika Lea C.

    I experience it when I read any kinds of book and when I am watching a t.v...

    It is when I talk to people that I can experience empiricism and because I can gained more information from people than reading a book or watching a t.v...

  24. John Paul Ibardolaza

    My personal experience about:
    My experience about rationalism is when I was invited to play “sipa sipaan” when I’m an elementary student, they told me that I’ll just kick the ball then step at the 1st base. That’s my idea but when I kicked the ball I just go to the 1st base not to the 2nd and 3rd base.

    My experience about empiricism is when I began to study adobe Photoshop in FEU-EAC, some of my classmates admired my skills because I have an experience doing adobe Photoshop when I was a high school student.

  25. #12
    Carrera, Alyssa Mae G.

    - Based on what I have experienced, it was when I was a 2nd year college, when I took up my Speech Class, when my professor suddenly told us that we should have to prepare a 1 minute impromptu speech and we got surprised. And when it was my turn to speech at the front. I was so nervous but suddenly I just did my speech well.

    - My experienced based on empiricism is when I developed my skills and talent when it comes to video editing, designs and drawings. And nowadays, my friends and also my relatives and as well as my classmates, they keep on asking my help in regards to designing and making of logos, but in as a return they pay me back :)

  26. #9
    Buluran vic emmanuel T.

    -based on my experience it was in the doctors when i was bite by a dog i was so nervous because i have to be injected by a medicine at first i was really scared but while their injecting it it was so fast i made it through that situation

    -my experience base on empiricism is that i was talented on field of swimming sports from my childhood until today my classmate and my relatives friends want me to teach them how to swim

  27. 30
    Lopez, Diodi Axcell A.

    Rationalism is when i learned how to cook my favorite cook (sinigang) my mother taught me how to cook it and im very happy with the results.

    empiricism is when i learned how to play basketball based with my experience only. nobody taught me. i learned how to play because i am playing everyday.

  28. #44
    Segundo, John Andrew O.

    Rationalism, someone taught me how to play drums, in my head, I drums like a professional, but in reality its not.

    Empiricism, day by day, I practice and I used to listen musics, and try to practice it in actual, and now I used to drums. And I know how to play drums with Christian Songs :)

  29. #45
    Sevilla, Paul

    I experienced rationalism in my own life when I start to learn something new, like the time I first play my own guitar. Sometimes even when I am experimenting on some new recipe.

    I always experience it when I play my electric guitar, may cousins always tell me to teach them how to play the songs I play. Also on cooking, my mother asks me to tell her what did I put on my adobo for instance because its taste differ's from her adobo.



    My experience about Rationalism happens everyday through playing basketball study at school . For example if you go to school and listen to the teacher and you will learned the lessons and also in playing basketball you will exercise your self and makes your body fits .


    My experience about this happens when I play basketball my friends teach me how to play like a team to have a teamwork . and now i play for a team
