Monday, July 09, 2012

T31 1st TERM SY 2012-2013: PHILOSOPHY PAPER (rationalism and Empiricism)

Give your personal experience about Rationalism and Empiricsm.



    I was in an argument with my cousin when we were a child. We were arguing about how many legs does a spider have. I was drawing a mechanical spider with guns when he noticed that the spider I have drawn has only 6 legs, he said it should have 8. I believed that eight legs would be too many for a little insect, so I insisted that a spider has only six legs. We agreed that we should catch a spider so we can prove our beliefs. When we caught one, we saw that it really has eight legs, but I still countered him and said that the two short legs on the front were actually arms and not legs, because a spider uses it for eating and grabbing its prey. He disagreed with my idea and insisted his.

    We did not came into a conclusion that time, but now I know that I was wrong about the spider having six legs and two arms. I wanted to laugh at myself thinking that I insisted something that's not true.

  2. When i was young, my brother always telling me that playing basketball is not the kind of my sports. He always arguing with me when the topic comes to basketball, specially on the PBA players and telling me "may nalalaman ka pang PBA diyan eh di ka nga marunong mag dribol". He always bringing me down, he always telling me that I can't be a good basketball player because i'm too small to play. After all those claims, one day i play basketball myself every time i go home from school. I tell myself that i will prove to him that i am going to be a good basketball player. As years past by, my brother and I are playing on a basketball league, and on the past 4 years, he is not picked by the head coach of our team because of the reason i am better player than him. I am playing on our team for 3 years and the team always compete for the championship. And i Always get the mythical 5 award.

  3. 20

    When I was still young my cousins are playing cards and then ask if I wanted to see a magic, and then I say ‘yes’. Then he showed me his tricks. He first tells me to pick one card on the deck and placed it on the top of the deck. After that he shuffles it three, four times (I don’t remember). And then he picks a card from the deck and shows me. And asked me if was the card I’ve picked on the deck and I answered ‘no’. He repeated it two times and for the third and last times he said that ‘this is your card’. And he showed me the card and yes it was my card. And years after he again shows me that magic tricks. While he's doing that I’m observing every move he does and saw that something about it was not right. The magic trick has his pattern. He knows where to put the card and how many times he will shuffle it to make the card show to me again.

  4. the plate broke when it hit the ground.. the rationalist's point of view in there is i learnt that that plate broke because it fell to the ground. the empiricism in there is when i learnt that it broke when some of the glass fragments cut me..

  5. #27


    When I was kid, me and my cousins are playing hide and seek and I'm the one who is seeking them, while I'm seeking for them I went to my Parents room and there I found a piece of clothe in my Parents closet, I insisted that it was Ivan cause the color of the cloth I saw is the same with what he is wearing I shouted "BOOM IVAN" as a sign that I already saw him even if I still didn't really see him I just insisted that it was him because of the color of the cloth I saw.


    It was just last week when I experience this. Me and my girlfriend are having a dinner in my house and she is getting rice in the Pot(Kaldero) and she shouted so hard, she was like "Oucchhhhhhhhhh!" as sign that she's hurt and I was so scared and asked her what happened? She told me that she touches the pot and it was still hot, I was like no way, that was cooked 30 mins ago so it should be cool now, she was like, "sige try mo hawakan!" So tried it, and it was really still hot, and I was like "Ouccchhhhh! Oo nga! -.-"

    Those are my experience of Rationalism and Empiricism. :)

  6. # 07

    During my elementary and high school I used to dance and sing(choir) in every program in school. They always pick me and I am so happy. Since 4 years old I already know how to sing and dance . My mom put me into the top of the table and start the music and I also started to dance. In singing my cousin who are very close to me teaches me everyday. I also started to play different kind of instrument since grade 6. First is guitar my tito gave it to me as a present in my graduation .I also started to learn playing flute since grade 6, piano since 2nd year , Drums since 3rd year, violin and harp since 4th year . This is a big achievement to me. This experiences makes me what I am right now. Without thinking the right to do and experience it I wouldn't reach what I am right now . Experience and thinking, this two cannot be separated cause you must first think before you do it or experience it. So think before you do something and make that it will not waste your time to experience it.

    T31, BSCPE, TUE&FRI/3:00PM-5:00PM

    I had an experience that my classmates and I made a revenge on the said old-modern dance. It was a friendly competition but it seems that everybody was acting like dreaming of being the champion. It was our first time of being the 3rd runner up so lots of parents strike on the said competition unto the judges. They insisted that we should be the winner but their decision was intact and it couldn’t be change. Tears filled that time when we got the third to lowest place. After that incident, we all left the school with sadness and regret. And the only word that comes on our mind was “revenge.” The next school year, remarkable to think that in all the competitions we should be the winner and it came true. After having all the trophies of being in the first place, we realized that revenge was not the perfect justice to have but instead the perfect justice are in our hands and these hands shouldn’t be messed up.

  8. Seat Number #04


    My personal experience of rationalism is during my high school days. It was during our MAPEH class. We have allotted 4 hours for this class and during the meeting to discuss for the group sports, the time is divided into two, the first half is for the lecture and the next half is for the actual application. We are enjoying it when it comes to basketball, and volleyball. But when baseball comes, it seems hard for us to apply what we have discussed in lecture. What we are doing in two hours of the actual application was just standing, hitting the bat, run and then nothing. It was also the actual application wherein our teacher is not around, she is there for the lecture only. So, having all the knowledge we have learned, it seemed that an experience is really needed to accomplish this matter.


    I experienced empiricism during my 1st year in college. It was one of my major subjects then. We are tasked to make a web page using HTML codes only. We are just instructed of dos and don’ts. We are not instructed how we should do it since we haven’t learned about it during the semester and it’s not even part of the syllabus. It is just an additional grade for those who could comply. Most of my colleagues really wonder how we could do it. Since I graduated from a private high school, having an advanced curriculum, we have covered this topic and I do have a lot of background experiences regarding this because I used to make projects of my classmates about this for income. So, based on my experiences, I completed this tasked and even help my other colleagues learn how to do it also without having the knowledge coming from our professor.

  9. DONATO, Renz Eduard J.

    when people fall in love, they then experience other emotions like happiness, which may be true, but you don't say where love comes from. Based on this example, love would have to be an emotion people are naturally aware of, and other emotions then develop from falling in love. If one is born knowing of love, that is rationalism which contradicts the argument. Perhaps this example could have been left out, as the others are pretty good and well supported.


    People were so adventurous these days that's why they are willing to try different things that could help them discover new things.

    I had this experience when I was in high school, I am so active during our P.E. class because I like to play sports. Our teacher during that time gives us information about sports. He was so athletic and I idolize him for being such a good player in terms of all sports. On his discussion on sports, I listen very eagerly when the topic changed because it's volleyball, my favorite sport. He said that it's so easy to play volleyball but during our P.E. time he allow us to try playing volleyball. On the first place, it was so hard to play unlike what he just taught to us but as time goes by we've practiced more and I improved my skills in playing volleyball and that's because he helped us.

    T31, BSECE, TUESDAY & FRIDAY/3:00PM-5:00PM

    When I am in my childhood years, I always ask my parents to buy me a bike. I always tell them that I will study hard and gave them high grades if they will buy me so they grant my wish, they bought me a bike. My father said that I can only use that when he had already put some little wheels on both sides so that I can learn how to balance myself when I’m riding on my bike. Days have passed but my father hasn’t put any wheels on both sides of my bike so I decided one day to ride on my bike secretly. I knew to myself that I cannot ride on my bike alone because I haven’t learn to balance myself on it but because of my curiosity and excitement to ride on it, I tried it. And then suddenly, my parents heard something that caught their attention. They went to our backyard and they saw me sprawl on the floor with my bike while I’m crying very hard. They held me up and my mom scolded me so many times. After what had happened, I learned from my mistakes and always follow to my parents.

  12. Seat No. 33
    Pirskanen, Francis Jerald R.
    ECE - 201212036
    PHILO103 - T31 T/F 15:00-17:00

    When I was young, I am very much addicted to video games such as Computer games and Play Station games.
    One of my favourite games during that time was all about cars, racing, pimp my ride or any other car related games because I really love cars so much. I really wanted to drive a car so I practice more and more in a form of a game. I almost mastered racing in the game and I already know much about cars. I’ve also read a lot about cars, its parts, tires, engines and a lot more. I’ve also made a research about car brands and different type of cars.
    Having my knowledge about cars made me very confident that when the day comes that I would have the chance to drive our car and get my license would be much easier for me because I already know a lot about it and I also know how to drive a car, that I could even have a race with others.
    I was 17 when I decided to ask my dad’s permission to get a license since that I’m about to become 18 and I would be able to drive our car since I’m on the right age. So my dad agreed that he will help me get my license but in order to get one of those, he first told me that I must first know how to drive. So he asked me to go to a driving school and learn how to drive but I refused because of the reason that I’m confident that I already know how to drive since that I already have much knowledge about cars and driving. So my dad tested me and asked me to go with him and try my driving skills.
    We were on the park near our village with our car and he asked me to drive the car and I immediately agree about it. So we changed seats and I started the car. My dad first ask me where is the breaks because it is the most important thing in driving for the beginners and I immediately answered the middle pedal and it was right as I expected, so he told me now to drive and I immediately apply my knowledge but I find it hard to change the gear and I had commit so many mistakes about the gear itself. I didn’t know that I had to change gear in accordance to its speed. So my dad laughs and told me that knowledge is not enough in driving a car. I must also learn how to apply it. Just like in our life, we wouldn’t know unless we try. After that I was convinced to go to a driving school and know the basics and know I know that I now have the guts to drive a car based on my experience.

  13. Vallejos, Kevin Charles G.
    T31, BSECE, Tue&Fri/3:00pm-5:00pm


    This is about a video that it is talking about the new iPhone i think, when i saw that video i was amaze because that iPhone has a hologram when typing or texting you can see that the keyboard is holographic and you can press it. it was awesome , but when our parents buy my brother an iPhone i was shocked because he now has an iPhone that can do a Hologram. When he use it i told him to do the hologram, but suddenly he think what i said and then laugh at me and he said to me that was not true that was just edited video, when i heard that from him i laughed then suddenly forget about it.


    This was also in high school in sports, TABLE TENNIS is my sport, when i was in 4th year high school my pe class was badminton, when i'm in pe time i saw some players who are playing table tennis, while watching them play i was amazed but when i saw how they do it, it was just to easy to play it, one of my friend is a table tennis player he heard me telling about table tennis that it is easy play it. when he heard that he laugh at me and told mo to play against him, then i accept his challenge. While we are playing i was shocked on how he play he was like a pro, after the game i lost and he told me that not every sport is easy you have to train first to make it easy for you to play the sport you u want to. when he told me that, i try to train in table tennis, i choose this sport because i want to compete with him again so that i can show him that i train. Learning the way of the sport through training and with experience.

  14. Salvador, Kevin Rheiniel C.

    Rationalism and Empiricism are both prevalent in our lives. You cannot thoroughly live throughout life without using both of them.

    For my example I'm going to use some real life experiences which may sound mundane, but please bear with it.

    A good example for Rationalism would be trying to progress through a game in a foreign language that you don't understand maybe, Japanese for instance. I just recently got a game that is in Japanese. Going back I had other games that were in Japanese and of course I had trouble playing with them. Most of the time I had to think through and try to make sense of the given characters and speech patterns of characters (if ever the game hinted them via speech). It was frustrating to sort out how things work during those times. But in the end, keeping calm and not mashing random buttons (it works sometimes though) gets the job done.

    For Empiricism it's best to use inter-human relationships for example. Reading about dating advice or just relationship advice in general and following them thoroughly doesn't really work 100% of the time. It's probably just for an option if you are really out of options.

    I studied in a boy's school during my elementary days but I have studied in a co-ed school during pre-school. Before I entered high school I was sort of nervous. Being a teenager and having little to no experience with dealing with other teenage girls is sort of stressful if you want to seem "cool" and such. Reading about what behavior or things to discuss didn't help much at all. It was better to be natural about it, as it turns out the worlds aren't entirely as different as how people put it.

    Another funny example would be entering college. In general most people would advice being sociable and approachable would get you more friends in college. Me, seeking peace time and freedom from being dragged about to places I don't even know of tried the "silent and brooding" approach. Apparently, girls like the "silent and brooding" type before I knew it my I was being dragged about everywhere by my female classmates during my first year of college.
    (That was in a different school, though it was CEU for reference.)

    That's about it for my experience with Empiricism and Rationalism
    -Ein (Kevin Rheiniel C. Salvador)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. #18
    Gungon, Richard D.

    when i was a child i want to learn how to ride a bike on my first day of riding a bicycle i thought experience can make me learn how to ride in a bycycle but then experience alone cant help me to learn how to ride a bike and then before i go to sleep i thought i need to focus my mind and body to learn how to ride on a bicycle and then on the next day i ride a bike from that time i know how to ride a bike :)

  17. #14
    Galang, Ian Jasper R. BSCE/201120008

    My insight on Rationalism and Empiricism will revolve on one topic which is on Music

    When I first learned to play the guitar, I have to learn how to read and do chords which by knowing what position it will be on the 6-strings and the frets of the guitar.By watching my music teacher how to do it, I observed how to do it properly and remembering its structure in order to have a proper transition on the chords of any song you want to play.At first it is difficult because your hands are not used to be being stretch a LOT and the sound is not the same as your teacher's chords but when I continue practicing from time to time I learned to do it properly and beautifully play the song that I want.

    First you learn and absorb the knowledge that is being passed which is in line RATIONALISM. Then, when you apply the knowledge that you acquired which is line with EMPIRICISM.

  18. #26 Mamauag, Adrian A.

    Before I don't know how to dance, I am a fan of Brian Puspos. Watching his videos in youtube. He is an exceptional dancer and the add on to it is the songs. Sometimes i am practicing his choreographies, updating his songs and downloading music. In that case, i am now exposed to dancing, with my good dancing friends. Actually they are all good in dancing and teach me how to do it rightly.


    During our class in integral calculus, I am very focus in listening to my professor. I didn't practice any activity because I thought our lesson was very easy especially when she was teaching. But when I took the exam I got low score. Then I tried to answer some of her examples. And after that I learned to practice more activities after the discussion. That's why I already got high scores in exams.

  20. 44
    Villaflores, Glenn Dlanor, C.

    There was one time when I and my friend were betting on whether or not my friend will come to our get together. I am on the side of "not going" because based on my experience, every time we will invite him, he will always say that he will go but will not. My friend on the other hand strongly believes that he will come this time because this is a special event.. But my friend won because he came to the event.

    T31, BSCE, TF/3:00-5:00pm

    Ratiolism and Empiricism are like my heart and my brain. Most often the two are arguing and planning to disagree with each other. As my heart speaks for my feelings and my mind tells the truth and most of the time, the real thing.
    I always wonder what will I become in the future. Are my routines at its best or are the things that I planned are in coordination. My experience of being rational is that when I chose, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, as my course in college, there I start to handle myself uncomfortably. I must say that I am dying to be a civil engineer. When I took this course I always say to my friends and family that I can do this well and that I will be an honor student. I am always good in Mathematics, in Physics and even in drawing since I was a toddler. I love, shapes, lines, numbers and how objects behave into one another. In my mind, I am always the boss. In my mind, I will become a tough and an admirable student.
    But, as years passed and I’m still studying here in FEU-East Asia College, I came into a conception that it is really hard indeed to finish my course no matter how good I am and no matter how I love to be an engineer. I experienced failing grade and I’m working at it. I experience peer destruction and many temptation here in the university belt. The results are always based on experience and how I observed myself for the last two years of my life here in EAC. (Empiricism)
    Now, I am directing to my goals molded with my passion and devotion that I will not let any other imperfection nor complication destroy my dream to graduate and be a good and popular civil engineer.

  22. #23
    Llego, Alvette Kristine G.

    When I was young, I envied some of my classmates and friends because they have bikes. So I ask my parents if they can buy me one. My father agreed but my mom was hesitant. I got a little angry with my mom. Then I ask her why wouldn’t allow me to buy a bike. She said it was dangerous for a girl like me to have a bik. Then I told her that it’s easy to use a bike. Then she asked me if I know how to use it. I told her no. then she said, she will buy me a bike if I learn how to use it. I asked my dad to teach me how to use the bike. He told me that I should balance the bike. If the bike goes to left, I should move my body to the right, and vice versa. And I have to look away from the wheels of the bike. Then finally my mom agreed to buy me a bike. But when I try it, I fell. I got confuse because I though I know how to use it because of my dad’s instructions. Then I realize, I can’t learn how to use it if I will not try it for myself.

    Every engineering student have a math subject, and for me these must be our forte. When I’m still in first year college, I got into an accident. I fell in an escalator, so I wasn’t able to attend my classes for days. At that time I’m taking up trigonometry. When I recovered from my accident, our professor gave me and special exam on the spot. I asked my friend to show me how to solve trigonometric identities. But when I took the exam, I got confused because even though my friend show me the solution I don’t know the process that involves in it. Therefore I flank in that exam. The lesson in my story, we must first know or study before we try to do it.

  23. Villamayor, Nelson G.

    As a hobbyist in photography, at my first month of handling my camera i just browse the manual that came in with, because i myself isn't much of a reader.
    started to read just a few lines that came across my site in the manual, then searched for the important stuffs to know, specially the do's and don'ts.
    technically speaking in my first year of being a hobbyist, what i know is just the basics of how to manipulate my camera and just relying on my own creativity.
    most of the stuff that i learned was just through experience, but when the time
    that i noticed that i actually don't have much time in my hand because of the bookings, sidelines and whatnot, i started to really read some guidelines and theories that would somehow help me improve my craft.
    As of now i'm still on my long hiatus as a photographer, and now i'm thinking on getting back on my old hobby.

  24. Jorell Gredoña B,

    when the 1st day i arrive here in manila, i dont even have an idea to ride any kind of transportation vehicle, 1day i'm bored, so i'm finding something to do, i only have 100 pesos so i try to ride in LRT just for fun and experience, at first i was so nervous at in the end i found it fun and easy.

    1st year 2nd sem. i had my experience of rationalism
    when i was in my dorm, ive met a friend thats smoking weed, we always jam in the rooftop,, then one day he encourage me to smoke weed, he told me everything that marijuana does not harm your lungs, its not dangerous in fact cigarette and liquor is more dangerous,, but after that,, i believe in him because i researched it but then again i dont smoke pot. because i know that smoking weed is not dangerous but then again its elligal so i dont try it..

  25. Ali Abdurasad #1

    When I was still on La Salle I use to race everyday after class. I have nothing in mind just race and race. I also have a girlfriend back then but don’t give time to her. Then I transferred to FEU-EAC. For the first two terms I am what I am when I was on La Salle. Then I met this girl, I fell inlove with her. First I don’t know how to court. After the hard times see became my girlfriend until now. Having her as a girlfriend is a blessing from God because she taught me everything I need to know and change my bad attitudes. She makes me stop drinking and smoking. She also stops me getting on danger like on racing. I only focus now on my studies because of her. I don’t go to race anymore. She always pursue me in studying very hard for my future and telling me that it will make my parents proud and get rid of the old me back then. It my experience on rationalism and empiricism because I learned from my experience and also learned from thinking on what my girlfriend is saying to me.
